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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New feature: Jam of the week

Just a quick post, we're adding a new little feature to the site called the jam of the week. Each week I'll be posting the raw clips from our practice session warm ups, basically just the jams we do to start off practice before we get all super serious. If there's ever a week where we don't practice or we don't get anything we deem usable we'll instead use this space to recommend music or videos for you all to check out. You can get your Secret Language fix each week either here on the front page or by following the link under our pages tab.

Practice Jam by Secret Language

So to start us off we're gonna go with a bit of a cop out, it's the same jam as our last blog post! Never fear, we've already got some stuff in the tank waiting for you all to listen to, just keep your ears open. We'll be back in a few days with more jams as well as the recap from our show this coming Friday!

PS. Great Odin's raven, we have a show this Friday! You should probably come.

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