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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Upcoming Shows

As you may have noticed we added a couple shows to the upcoming shows tab on the right side of the page. First up we'll be playing a three hour marathon in our hometown of Columbia at Second Chance Saloon in Oakland Mills. We're all really excited to play a show so close to home and with such a long set things are bound to get a little crazy. We've also got another show lined up at Joe Squared on April 28th, our last show was so much fun we just can't wait to get back up to North Ave (how many times have you heard someone say that!). For anyone who hasn't been up to see us at Joe Squared we put together this montage to give you a little taste.

So that's all for now. We're planning some additional stuff for the coming months but nothing we can announce just yet. Thanks for checking in, hopefully we'll see you all really soon!

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