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Friday, April 20, 2012

Jam of the Week 4/20

Only a few weeks (or a month) late on posting our next jam of the week for you all. While I don't have a months worth of music for you all to listen to I do have two pretty awesome jams for you all to check out. So here goes....

Saxamaphone Wish by Secret Language

The first one "Saxamaphone Wish" is taken from a nice long jam on the Stevie Wonder classic whose name I wish I could remember and features our friend Elie guesting on saxophone. Some brief notes on this recording, the first 10 seconds or so is overlapped from a previous recording (our last jam of the week "Diseased") and our lead guitar player may be playing a 5 string guitar for most of this recording (unconfirmed). We've had Elie come and sit in on practices for a few weeks now (I believe this recording is from the first practice we did together) and I can say it's been a total blast having a horn player come add their sound to some of our tunes. Hopefully we'll get to hear more in the future.

Sharona by Secret Language

Next up we have "Sharona" which is again a jam on a classic cover tune. Pretty straight forward, though I will say that this is the first jam we've posted that didn't reach the 11 minute 38 second time limit in Garage Band, so for those who have short attention spans this is for you!

We've got a number of shows coming up in the next month, starting with a private party on April 28th and followed by our next show at Joe Squared on May 12th. We've got a lot of fun stuffed planned for these shows so hopefully we'll see you all there, otherwise keep an eye back here for recordings of the shows and more jams of the week!

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