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Monday, July 25, 2011

Recap: Secret Language at Joe Squared 7/22

The heat!!! My God the heat!!!
This past Friday was our first official show at the amazing Joe Squared in Baltimore. Despite the 100 degree temperature outside there was still a great turn out, and considering how disgustingly hot it was even inside the venue it makes the response of those in attendance all the more amazing. Thanks to everyone who came and really helped bring the energy to what could have easily been a rather grueling performance, and double thanks to those who managed to stick it out until the very end and suffered through the unbearable heat with us.

For those that had to leave early or weren't able to make it out to the show don't worry, we've already got the entire show up for streaming and free download over on our page on Follow the link below and  you can relive what you heard or check out anything you missed. One word of warning however: the vocals are insanely quiet due to poor mic placement (DOH!), however everything else sounds pretty much perfect so... enjoy the jams I guess!

Download our show from 7/22 for free right here!
In addition we've also updated the widgets on this page and on our Facebook page with a lot of new music, most of it from our show at Joe's or from the private party we played a couple weeks ago. It's available for free download so help yourself and don't be afraid to give us feedback (unless it's negative, then you can just go to hell). 

So thanks again to everyone who came out on Friday, it was probably our best performance to date and that's entirely thanks to the great response we had from you guys! Hopefully we'll get to see you all again some time over the next couple of months. You may have noticed that we don't currently have any more shows listed on the site, mostly because we have some scheduling issues through August and September. Don't worry though, we should be back at it in early October and with plenty of new material to boot! Stay tuned to this site and our Facebook page (which you should go like!) for updates.

Thanks again everyone!

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