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Monday, August 22, 2011

New Show Announcement

For the people!
We've been a little light on the updates through August, but in case you're hungry for more Secret Language goodness we've got just the thing for you! First and foremost we just confirmed two new shows this October. First up we'll be playing a private party in Columbia on October 8th. Since it's a private event we'll make sure to post a (quality) recording of it immediately after the show so you all can check it out. Second up we'll be playing another show at Joe Squared on Saturday, November 12th. We had an absolute blast at the last show and are incredibly happy that Joe's is having us back. We'll hopefully be adding additional shows over the next couple weeks so keep an eye on the Upcoming Shows page for more info.

Now while we're on the subject of Joe Squared...

Check out this video of us jamming on the classic Phish tune "Birds of a Feather" from our last show at Joe's. We also recently posted a ton of photos from the show on our Facebook page so be sure to go check that out to if you're interested (and "Like" us while you're at it!). And if you haven't already go and check out the full recording of the show over at our page on We'll also be posting some professional pictures and video from the show sometime in the next several weeks, so keep an eye out for that. Thanks for checking in, we'll see you all in October!

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